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Published :
08/26/2016 14:11:51
Categories :
Sewing pattern
This week we conclude the discovery of the first collection of Opian's sewing patterns with the CEMETTE skirt.
CEMETTE is a versatile skirt that goes above the knees. With a light and flowery fabric, it can be worn in summer, and with a fabric a little thicker it is ideal for fall and even a mild winter.
Depending on the chosen fabric, the skirt will have a totally different style which allows you to make the model as many times as you want.
It can be worn with sandals or derbies and a simple top for a casual look, or heels and a blouse for a more sophisticated style.
This skirt is made of several panels and is closed on the centre front with buttons.
Just like POLLUX and ALVERNIA, CEMETTE is a sewing pattern level of difficulty 2 because the making is relatively easy, just the buttonholes require a little experience.
The sewing pattern has to be downloaded and printed at home. It contains 8 different sizes with clear and easy instructions and illustrations to make it even easier to understand.
We hope that you will enjoy sewing and wearing this CEMETTE skirt, and don't hesitate to share with us your creations with #OpianCemette.