Liskamm | Testers Versions|

Published : 09/26/2020 17:14:30
Categories : Inspiration , Sewing pattern , Swimwear

Summer in the northern hemisphere is coming to an end and this is the moment that I have chosen to present the sewists' test versions of the LISKAMM swimsuit launched in July. Yes, I am always in sync with the events and seasons!

For this bikini sewing pattern, I had the pleasure of working with a lot of great sewists, who did an equally great job, many of whom were new people.

Here are the LISKAMM photos of some of the testers. Indeed, it is mandatory to return photos for the test in order to put images on the words during the development of a model. However, given the nature of LISKAMM, it is not essential to take photos for internet publications.

The main modification of the model after the test phase was to have added an elastic in the band. Indeed, this allows to have a better support of the bra.

Furthermore, I would like to thank them once again for their time and generosity. If you do not know them yet, I invite you to click on their name to see their beautiful makes.


Anaïs de @anais_wgr_couture


Ksenija @a_girlwithanaccent


Laura @lagouagouache


Clémentine @Unefilleetdesaiguilles


Blandine @minibloodie


Lucile @luciledelfosse


Debbie @debsmadethis


Aurore @atelierdegragnotte

If these photos made you want to sew LISKAMM, do not hesitate to check the description of the model.

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