81 articles

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  • Cemette | Fabric Ideas |
    Published : 12/09/2016 14:03:32 | Categories : Clothes , Sewing pattern

    We finish today our round of fabric ideas to sew our sewing patterns with the skirt Cemette. This pattern can be made with a multitude of fabrics that are easy to find on the market. All the [...]

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  • Alvernia | Fabric Ideas |
    Published : 11/18/2016 15:11:13 | Categories : Clothes , Sewing pattern

    Last week, we talked about the fabrics for the Pollux top. Today is the turn of the Alvernia dress. This summer or evening dress can be made with a large selection of fabric whether plain or [...]

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  • Pollux | Fabric Ideas |
    Published : 11/09/2016 08:15:37 | Categories : Clothes , Sewing pattern

    Today we'll talk about fabrics for the Pollux top. This pattern can be made with lots of different fabrics like poplin, chintz, gabardine, denim or microfiber. It is advisable to use a fabric [...]

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  • Pollux | Inspiration |
    Published : 10/14/2016 15:30:33 | Categories : Inspiration , Opian , Sewing pattern

    Today, we have a closer look at the Pollux top. This top is ideal as everyday clothes, with its yoke it is sufficient in itself, no need jewellery. Here are a few ideas to inspire you and make [...]

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  • Alvernia | Inspiration |
    Published : 10/06/2016 10:45:48 | 4 comments | Categories : Inspiration , Sewing pattern

    Follow my blog with Bloglovin Today, we'll show you a few pictures to make you want to sew our sewing pattern of the Alvernia dress. This dress is perfect for Summer (Hello, Australian [...]

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  • Cemette | Inspiration |
    Published : 09/19/2016 17:28:18 | Categories : Clothes , Inspiration , Sewing pattern

    To get inspiration and make you want to sew our Cemette sewing pattern, here is a selection of similar skirts. In suedine, denim, chambray or neoprene, Cemette is a chameleon and will fit all [...]

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  • Alvernia, Pollux and Cemette | Testers Versions |
    Published : 09/08/2016 09:48:54 | Categories : Inspiration , Sewing pattern

    After presenting you in more details the ALVERNIA, POLLUX and CEMETTE sewing patterns, here are different versions made by the testers. All these models were created during the development of t [...]

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  • Cemette | Focus |
    Published : 08/26/2016 14:11:51 | Categories : Sewing pattern

    This week we conclude the discovery of the first collection of Opian's sewing patterns with the CEMETTE skirt. Design CEMETTE is a versatile skirt that goes above the knees. With a light and [...]

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  • Pollux | Focus |
    Published : 08/19/2016 12:58:26 | Categories : Sewing pattern

    We continue our tour of the new sewing patterns. Last week, we could see the ALVERNIA dress more in details, today we will focus on the POLLUX top. Design POLLUX will quickly become an es [...]

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  • Alvernia | Focus |
    Published : 08/12/2016 15:11:41 | Categories : Sewing pattern

    Last week, we launched a new line of sewing patterns and today we will have a closer look at the ALVERNIA dress model. Design ALVERNIA is the perfect dress to be worn at a wedding or a b [...]

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